

2023-05-22 02:47:40


Everyone know the charming scenery of autumn Italy, just like Monica Bellucci walking in the sun in the movie "Malèna" which is unforgettable, but the autunm food are more attractive, the greeness of Tuscany olive, the aroma of Alba white truffle, the mellow of Piedmont wine, and the taste of Parma ham, these are all make people have a sense of satisfaction.



Time flies,now it's harvest autumn, which means the 2020 is going to the end.

In this fantastic autumn we made this sincere new menu, no one can resist the temptation of ham, cheese and wine, if so, we will give the truffle to make you "surrender".

主廚Benedetto Stella 潛心鑽研義大利傳統美食的同時,也在不斷融合本地食材與風味,本次菜單大煥新傾注 Benny 長時間的心血,菜單到底如何,新品又有哪些小巧思?馬上為你「揭秘」這一季新菜單的精彩!

While the chef Benedetto Stella was devoted to the traditional Italian cuisine, he also fusing local ingredients and flavors, he has been devoted a long-term efforts for the new menu. What are the highlights of the new menu, I will reveal some new dishes right away!



Pan-Fried Foie Gras on Wine Marinated Pear and Cherry Sauce


Foie gras, caviar and truffles are called "the world's three delicacies", this season's new menu naturally cannot miss such wonderful ingredients. Fry the thickly sliced foie gras quickly in a hot pan, so that the surface is browned and fragrant, and the inside is soft and smooth.


The pear marinated with red wine and a variety of spices have a crisp and rich taste. They are exactly the two extremes of the silky foie gras. Only when you eat together you can get the point of this dish, how wonderful when a variety of taste hit your taste buds.


Burrata Cheese with Parma Ham and Rainbow Tomatoes


As a 100% Italian cuisine, Burrata Cheese looks cute fat. Although it has a history of only nearly 100 years, it is popular not only in Italy but the whole Europe, because of lovely shape, full and delicate texture, and the freshing smooth taste.

PIANO18 將它與熟成24個月的帕爾瑪火腿和靚麗的彩色小番茄搭配,呈上餐桌首先便是視覺的享受,食客親自將布拉塔芝士切開,柔軟內餡緩慢溢出,只用最簡單的調味就能帶來至臻享受。

The burrata cheese with the 24 months parma ham and rainbow tomatoes, it's a visual pleasure just put on the table. The diners cut the burrata cheese and the soft filling slowly overflows, only the simple seasoning can make the ultimate enjoyment.


Sauteed Mussels and Clams in Crust of Rosemary Bread in Mediterranean Sauce



The mussels come from Mediterranean Sea with the fresh and salty smells. They are cooked with garlic, clams, shrimps and white wine which can give the dish a strong and decisive flavor.

In the southern Italy along the coast, there is a popular way to eat mussels. Once ready they are placed in a plate and covered with a sheet of pizza bread and baked in the oven, you will get a pandora box, and when you enjoy your mussels, don't forget dip the crusty bread in the wine sauce.


Garden Scallops Salad Revisitation



The garden scallops salad has an sense of form.

The colorful ingredients in the glassware, make the dish just like the a living spring, play a treasure hunt in this garden, you can find out some scallops not just vegetables, and there are also quinoa hiding in the bottom .


Basil Linguini with Shrimps and Dehydrated Black Olives


The tradition pesto pasta is a little bit boiling, the garlic prawn can make it sincere. The most wonderful thing in this dish is the black olives on the rim, these black olives have been dehyfrated to keep the rich flavor. Stir them into the linguini and eat together is the best way to enjoy this dish.


Roasted Boston Lobster Served with Linguine in Marinara Sauce


The most shocking appearance in the new menu must be Boston Lobster, the outstanding appearance, delicate meat quality, high protein and low fat with rich trace elements, make lobster be the most popular one in restaurant.


The Lobster wields the strong tongs, show the attractive bright red after chef's cooking, the shell is wrapped with plump and sweet lobster meat. The linguine has already been full of rich sauce complements the lobster meat, make everyone fall in love with this delicious dish.

M9 牛腰肉佐鵝肝醬烤菌菇

Wagyu M9 Beef Sirloin with Foie Gras Sauce and Roasted Mushroom

PIANO18 精選了高品質的澳洲和牛,因其在澳洲廣袤的牧場飼養,生活舒適不被打擾,牛肉品質柔嫩多汁、口感醇香,紋理就像大理石一樣漂亮。

PIANO18 always choose the high quality Australia Wagyu, the wide pasture in Australia make the beef taste tender and juicy with the good aroma, the texture just like the beautiful marble.

一塊肥瘦均勻的澳洲M9 西冷,煎至五成熟,牢牢鎖住肉汁,切開內裡還是好看的粉嫩,汁水豐盈、醇厚柔軟。簡單調味已是味覺的巔峰盛宴,搭配主廚精心調味的鵝肝醬又是另一種特別的體驗。

A piece of Australian M9 sirloin , fried to madium rare, the gravy is firmly locked, and the inside is pink when cut, and the juice is rich, mellow and soft. Simple seasoning always for the beef, the foie gras will give you another special experience.


Sicilian Cannoli

義大利的西西里島,有三樣東西聞名於世,黑手黨、莫妮卡貝魯奇和西西里奶酪卷。奶酪卷在義大利甜品界的地位毋庸置疑,僅在電影《教父》中就出現多次,更留下了一句經典臺詞「Leave the gun, take the cannoli」。

There are three famous things in Sicilian, Mafia, Monica Bellucci, and Cannoli.As the most famous dessert in Italy, cannoli appears several times in the movie "the Godfather", there is a famous line "Leave the gun, take the cannoli".


Ricotta chesse and cream wrapped in the crispy crust, fried in lower temperature, with the topping pistachios, it tastes soft but also crispy, easily melt your heart, it's just the right dessert for this season.

PIANO18 新菜單即將於9月17日上市,這場新菜盛宴總廚Benny已經準備好了,更多獨一無二的感受就等吃貨們來發掘。

The new menu will be launched in September 17th, we are ready for this new cuisine feast, more unique feelings are waiting for you to discover, we are looking forward to meeting you very soon!




來雲南旅遊的外省朋友下飛機到昆明,或者其它地方到昆明玩的,或者在昆明打拼的,給大家推薦幾個百姓小吃。 本人最鍾愛的就是路邊攤,拋開衛生不衛生的問題,好吃才是最重要的 找到那些「隱於世」的美味小吃 找到了下面這些國寶級的小吃店 到昆明想吃到正宗實惠的百姓小吃,那麼這家一定




炙烤鱸魚 愛情容易讓人痴狂,殊不知美食也是如此,尤其還是如此鮮美的鱸魚。 食材準備 400克鱸魚,40克大蔥段,薑片少許 1臺烤箱,1張錫紙,1把刷子,2克鹽 5毫升料酒,食用油適量烹飪步驟 1 洗淨的鱸魚兩邊切上一字花刀。 2 取一盤,放入鱸魚,往鱸魚身上撒


一碗糯米粉一把芝麻,教你在家做湯圓,香甜又軟嫩,比買的還好吃 元宵節是中國人十分重要的節日,所以民間有「元宵大如年」的說法。每到傳統節日元宵節,到處張燈結彩,不管南方北方,都有吃湯圓(也叫元宵)的習俗,不僅開胃可口,也是為新一年討個好彩頭。 其實湯圓的做法很簡單,一碗糯米粉加上一把芝




綠豆別再煮湯了,教你自製綠豆餅,皮薄餡大酥掉渣,餡料綿密細膩 最近綠豆餅似乎又火起來了,看到別人都在吃,我也忍不住買了兩盒,味道確實不錯,外面的皮很薄,並且比較酥,裡面包裹著的綠豆餡也香得很,不算特別甜,並且綿密細膩,一口咬下去冰涼爽口。 立夏將至,天也熱了,家裡的綠豆除了煮湯之外,不


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最近有在網上接待了不少客戶朋友的小編,聽到了客戶朋友會問到,有沒有幹蒸房,最後經過細細了解才發現,幹蒸房和汗蒸房存在分不清的情況,這裡給大家普及一下吧。 首先我們都知道土豆,只要一說土豆就知道它是可以吃的,什麼土豆燒肉,乾鍋土豆片什麼來的,但是有些地方就喜歡叫馬鈴薯,如果當地有一個人想要網上尋


錢江晚報·小時新聞記者 陳棟 通訊員 馮佳麗 不少人很好奇,那些威武神勇、無所不能的警察,平日裡都吃的啥,一日三餐又是誰在打理? 近日,浙江臨海市公安局就別出心裁,舉辦以「我為祖國獻道菜」為主題的廚藝大賽,將臥虎藏龍在各派出所背後的大廚們請了出來,大家切磋廚藝,拿出一道各自的拿手好菜,並邀


想吃炒麵,但是家裡只有普通的白麵條,於是這道午餐就誕生了。。。。 製作方法和炒麵非常相似,因為這種白麵條比較嫩,所以不適合炒太長的時間,我是把所有的蔬菜和肉都炒熟之後再放入麵條,這樣既能保持麵條的完整性,而且吃起來也別有一番風味 圖片中我準備的蔬菜比較多,是兩個人的分量,而且我自己也喜歡吃多