

2023-06-21 00:18:20 2

MVRDV主持設計了法國波爾多市Bastide-Niel 新區的總體規劃,改造更新區域內近35 公頃的軍營和鐵路車場,這是一次前所未有的大規模城市更新計劃,也是為歐洲城市化做出貢獻的寶貴機會。MVRDV的規劃方案回應了如何在傳統歐洲城市中打造活力社區的議題,同時也是對老城社區開發的一次升級:歷史的傳承、混合的功能、親和的尺度、明亮、綠色和高密度。

MVRDV's masterplan proposal to transform 35ha of former barracks and railyards in the centre of Bordeaux is an unprecedented opportunity to contribute to European urbanism. The design answers the question of how to create a vibrant neighbourhood that is in the tradition of the European city, but at the same time an update of it: historic, mixed and intimate, light, green, and dense.

圖片 Image: © MVRDV

項目毗鄰加龍河 (Garonne River) , 步行可達聯合國教科文組織列入世界文化遺產的波爾多歷史中心,地塊曾用於倉庫、鐵路路堤和冗餘的營房。通過對現有建築的精心保留和翻新,以及有控制的新開發,新區的整體規劃旨在創建一個集住宅、各種公共和文化設施等多種功能於一體的綜合社區。

The site, near the Garonne River, lies within walking distance of the UNESCO-listed historic centre of Bordeaux and was previously occupied by warehouses, rail embankments, and redundant barracks. Through careful retention and renovation of the existing buildings, along with controlled new development, a district will be created that integrates a wide variety of functions including housing along with a variety of public and cultural facilities.

圖片 Image: © MVRDV

項目毗鄰加龍河 (Garonne River) , 步行可達聯合國教科文組織列入世界文化遺產的波爾多歷史中心,地塊曾用於倉庫、鐵路路堤和冗餘的營房

The site, near the Garonne River, lies within walking distance of the UNESCO-listed historic centre of Bordeaux and was previously occupied by warehouses, rail embankments, and redundant barracks

Bastide-Niel 新區的總體規劃遵循現有鐵路軌道和營房的布局,保留了區域內的歷史建築和設施並使其更加緊湊,同時重新詮釋了基地的歷史,從歷史出發,開展片區的改造轉型。在此布局的基礎上,MVRDV設計了一個由6至10米寬的窄街組成的路網。採用 "共享空間」的概念,創建了一個安全的交通系統,使步行者、騎行者、公共運輸和私家車處於平等地位。大多數街道都是單行道,沿河的兩岸分流。這張複合型的道路網絡構成了一座尺度宜人的新城區,其中包括 144 個街區,共同構築親和宜居的氛圍,與波爾多中心老城相得益彰。

The masterplan follows the layout established by the rail tracks and the barracks. It maintains and densifies all historic structures, railways, and platforms, interpreting the site’s history and making it a starting point for the area’s transformation. Using the layout established by these artefacts, the plan establishes a network of narrow streets between 6 and 10 metres wide. These are designed using a 「shared space」 approach to create a safe traffic system with pedestrians, cyclists, and public transport on an equal footing to cars. Most streets are one-way, serviced from the riverside or from the opposite avenue. This road, alley and lane network results in an intimate city, with 144 city blocks in the masterplan – resulting in an atmosphere comparable to a historic city centre.

圖片 image: © MVRDV


The public spaces of the masterplan incorporate as much greenery as possible, with a huge variety of plant species, as well as water features to keep the surroundings cool in hot weather. Streets and public squares are designed to be porous, allowing them to absorb rainwater and floods – an important consideration due to the masterplan’s location in the Garonne river floodplain.

圖片 Image: © MVRDV


The public spaces of the masterplan incorporate as much greenery as possible, with a huge variety of plant species, as well as water features to keep the surroundings cool in hot weather

遵循同樣的設計原則,Bastide Niel 新城內的建築需要在設計時考慮對環境的影響。因此,總規中要求建築應採用淺色外立面,反射陽光,減少城市熱島效應;應在屋頂和走廊設置太陽能板和綠植;應儘可能使用木結構、減少碳排放。Bastide Niel 新區整體規劃中的144座單體建築將分別由來自國際和本地的不同建築師設計。MVRDV與每座單體的建築師進行協調,確保Bastide-Niel 新區的總體規劃策略能夠在各個方面得到落實。

Similarly, buildings in Bastide Niel must be designed with their impact upon the environment in mind. The masterplan stipulates that buildings in the neighbourhood should be light colours, reflecting sunlight and reducing the urban heat island effect; they should integrate solar panels and greenery into their roofs and loggias; and they should use wood construction whenever possible, minimising the carbon emissions of construction. The 144 plots will host buildings from a diversity of architectural practices, mixing the work of local, national, and international designers. MVRDV coordinates with the architects of each project to ensure the cohesive realisation of all aspects of the masterplan.

圖片 Image: © MVRDV



波爾多的氣候環境也是Bastide Niel 新區獨特規劃形態的決定因素之一。其中每一座建築的外形都需要嚴格依循日照和陽光直射的條件,這樣可以保證地面層也能夠接收到日照,和每天至少2小時的陽光直射。為滿足日照而對建築形體進行的「切割」,加上為滿足自然通風而設定的15米進深,形成了傾斜的屋頂,喚起了對傳統歐洲城市景觀的現代重構。

Bastide Niel’s signature appearance is also derived from environmental factors. The shapes of buildings in the plan are determined through strictly applied rules for both daylight and direct sunlight, allowing each building to receive daylight at ground level and a minimum of 2 hours of sun. These 「sun cuts」, combined with the 15-metre depth of the buildings that enables natural ventilation, result in sloped roofs that evoke a contemporary reimagining of the traditional European cityscape.

隨著MVRDV的總體規劃方案逐步實施,Bastide Niel將延續波爾多市中心的風貌,成為一個充滿活力的複合型新城。未來這裡將擁有3,400套住宅、27,500平方米的零售空間、25,000平方米的辦公空間、13,500平方米的小型空間,適用於診所、工作坊和工作室等用途,和54,000平方米的公共設施,例如教育建築、市政檔案館、文化建築、社區中心、學校、日間護理中心和體育設施。

With the realization of MVRDV’s masterplan, Bastide Niel will become a lively extension to the city centre with a mixed programme of 3,400 homes; 27,500m2 of retail; 25,000m2 of offices; 13,500m2 of small premises for such uses as clinics, workshops, and studios; and 54,000m2 of public facilities such as a university building, the municipal archives, a cultural building, a community centre, schools, day care centres, and sport facilities.




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HAAPY SUMMER 臨近暑假了 正是組團出遊的好時候 下面 小編列出一份 灃河段的遊玩攻略 讓你快人一步~ 西鹹新區灃河綠道 位於灃河兩岸 分灃東新城和灃西新城綠道 綠道全長54.5公裡 共有一級驛站兩座 二級驛站四座 三


12月25日,世界零售巨頭沃爾瑪旗下高端商業品牌——山姆會員商店將在重慶禮嘉天街開業。與此同時,有消息透露,杭州第二家山姆會員店將在杭州城北的西子智慧產業園開業待客。 山姆會員店 品質高端,獨樹一幟 山姆會員商店是世界500強企業沃爾瑪旗下的高端會員制商店。消費者須購買超市年卡,


大家好,我是榴槤科長。本期我們來談談假如您是主角CJ,您會掌管《聖安地列斯》三大城市中的哪一座城市?在《GTA:SA》的地圖設定中,包含了——「洛杉磯、舊金山、拉斯維加斯」,三座城市各有特色,不知道玩家在稱霸《GTA:SA》之後,更願意接手哪一座城呢?下面讓我們來看看吧! 一:洛杉磯 葛洛夫


聚 ° 焦° 麗°江 作者 | 吳小姐 關注我們 【每日分享】 帶你每天了解一個美麗的地方 最實用的攻略一站獲取 還記得有首歌裡唱到「我一個人吃飯旅行到處走走停停」,很多人都會覺得一個人是一件很「孤獨」的事情,但是一個人有一個人的好... 一個人可以瀟瀟灑灑


記者 安曉冬 8月4日,由齊魯晚報·齊魯壹點主辦,濟南市婦女聯合會指導的2022首屆「壹點動心·齊魯相親大會」濟南主會場暨第16屆七夕千佛山相親大會正式開幕。 「趁著今天休息,跟媽媽一塊來相親。」這位活潑開朗的89年小姐姐在千佛山相親大會跟媽媽一邊談笑一邊觀看男嘉賓的信息牌。


壩上香飄八月天,白雲綠草染河山。仲夏的壩上張北,繁花似錦,清爽宜人,處處生機盎然。 8月2日,中都原始草原度假村內人山人海,來自全國各地文化旅遊行業的200多位代表和上萬名遊客一道走進這裡,同看京津冀駿馬越野競技,共賞「記憶中都」恢宏文化盛宴。 而距此40公裡外草原天路上則是車