

2023-07-28 05:17:25

一早被朋友圈「國際不打小孩日」刷屏。真的有這麼個日子嗎?起源?意義何在?下面一一介紹。Today is International SpankOut Day. Is it true? What is the origin and significance of it?

April 30 is 「International SpankOut Day」

首先,這個日子是真的。注意常用英文名叫「International SpankOut Day」,而不是「International no hit Day」。「Spank」有打屁股、打人的意思。

First of all, this day is true. Note that the common English name is "International SpankOut Day", not "International no hit Day". "Spank" means spanking and beating people.


1998年,美國的一個民間組織---- 有效管教中心(CED,Center For Effective Discipline),有感於體罰加諸兒童的傷害,選定4月30日為「不打小孩日」。原本只在美國境內推動的「不打小孩日」,漸漸傳到在世界各國。在中國香港也稱之為「無巴掌日」。全世界已有上百個國家其民間組織參與。

In 1998, a non-governmental organization in the United States-the Center for Effective Discipline (CED), was inspired by the hurt of corporal punishment of children, it selected April 30 as "International SpankOut Day". It was originally promoted only within the United States, and gradually spread to many other countries in the world. It is also called "Wu ba zhang ri" in Hong Kong, China. There are hundreds of countries and society organizations in the world with the participate in the event now.


The countries that prohibit corporal punishment in schools are: Argentina, China, Japan, Philippines, South Africa, Thailand, Estonia, Lithuania, Belarus, Russia, Slovakia, United Kingdom, Ireland, Belgium, Italy, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Albania, Turkey……

禁止一切體罰(校內體罰 家庭體罰)的國家:奧地利、保加利亞、克羅埃西亞、哥斯大黎加、賽普勒斯、丹麥、芬蘭、德國、希臘、匈牙利、美國、冰島、以色列、澳大利亞、肯亞、拉脫維亞、盧森堡、摩爾多瓦、荷蘭、紐西蘭、挪威、波蘭、葡萄牙、羅馬尼亞、瑞典、西班牙、突尼西亞、烏克蘭、烏拉圭、委內瑞拉、法國……

Countries that prohibit all corporal punishment (corporal punishment on campus family corporal punishment): Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, United States, Iceland, Israel, Australia, Kenya, Latvia, Luxembourg, Moldova, Netherlands , New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Spain, Tunisia, Ukraine, Uruguay, Venezuela, France ...




Advocate to stop the use of violent corporal punishment on children, and to promote the concept of anti-corporal punishment of children's human rights. All parents, guardians and carers are encouraged not to spank their children on this day and to seek other disciplinary methods through programs offered by community agencies, churches and schools.



"Come and try not to spank a child today at least, or you'll find that you don't need to spank a child every day after today."


在這個節日設定之前,其實已經有許多國家立法禁止對孩子的體罰。早在1979年,瑞典就對此立法。它的「好鄰居"芬蘭和挪威緊隨其後,分別於1983和1987年立法。2019年7月2日法國也通過反日常教育暴力法案,將"禁打屁股法"(Loi Anti-Fessée)納入民法,成為世界上第56個立法禁止體罰兒童的國家。其中法國的這個法案規定,不僅不能打孩子屁股,夫妻結婚時還要宣誓不對孩子進行身體和語言暴力。

Before this setting of 「International SpankOut Day」, in fact, many countries already had legislation to prohibit corporal punishment of children. As early as 1979, Sweden made this legislation. Finland and Norway followed, enacting legislation in 1983 and 1987, respectively. On July 2, 2019, France also passed the Anti-Daily Educational Violence Act, which incorporated the "Loi Anti-Fessée" into the Civil Code, making it the 56th country in the world to prohibit corporal punishment of children. Among them, this French law stipulates that not only can children not be spanked, but when they get married, they must swear not to use physical and verbal violence against their children.


The chart below shows the growing trend of countries where legislation to prohibits corporal punishment of children.


社會評價/social evaluations:


「Smacking or spanking, the beating of children, is a dangerous lesson in bad behavior. Children, like the rest of us, have a right not to be hit or humiliated. Most parents who hit their children deeply regret it. Smacking hurts children - and not just physically. The aim of a no-hitting day is to get parents to stop and to think about it; to recognize that there are many positive and non-violent ways to encourage the behavior they want from their children; and to realize they never need to hit a child again.」 ——Peter Newell, Joint Coordinator of the Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children, London, England

「我們需要支持「美國SpankOut日」活動,因為每個人,尤其是每個孩子,都擁有絕對的人身完整權,這是早就應成為法律的權利」。——馬裡蘭州巴爾的摩市的Victoria S.

「We need to support SpankOut Day USA because every human being, above all every child, has the absolute right to bodily integrity, a right which is long overdue to become law」. ——Victoria S., Baltimore, MD

「我們需要支持美國SpankOut Day,因為在文明社會中打屁股是一種不合適的教育方法。恐嚇和恐懼不是有效的方式;知識和愛才是」。 ——Sherri D.,密蘇裡州希爾斯伯勒

「We need to support SpankOut Day USA because spanking is an inappropriate method of discipline in a civilized society. Intimidation and fear are not effective teachers; knowledge and love are」. ——Sherri D., Hillsboro, MO

「在1979年,瑞典成為第一個結束對兒童的一切體罰的國家。 最初,瑞典政府決定告知公眾對孩子進行體罰的不良影響,並幫助父母和監護人了解有效的替代方法。 對於尚未結束對兒童的一切體罰的國家來說,無休假日為有關組織和個人提供了機會,以促進對兒童的積極管教並呼籲結束體罰。」 ——馬裡·尼爾森(Mali Nilsson)體罰方案官員拯救兒童瑞典

「In l979, Sweden became the first country to end all corporal punishment of children. In the beginning, the Swedish government decided it was important to educate the public about the bad effects of corporal punishment and to help parents and child minders learn about effective alternatives. For countries that have not ended all corporal punishment of children, a no-hitting day is an opportunity for concerned organizations and individuals to promote positive discipline of children and to call for an end to corporal punishment.」 ——Mali Nilsson Programme Officer on Corporal Punishment Save the Children Sweden


"International SpankOut Day" is actually advocating a scientific concept of educating children. But it is not always good to educate children in a gentle way. Frustration education is also necessary. Proper corporal punishment is a kind of frustration education. ——Sun Ping, a psychologist in Shangqiu City


1. http://angelownspace.blogspot.com/2007/04/international-spankout-day.html

2. https://www.facebook.com/D100HK.M/photos/a.287105994734995/535097443269181/?type=1&theater

3. http://www.neverhitachild.org/Arkansas/spankout.html

4. 百度百科https://baike.baidu.com/item/國際不打小孩日

5. 歐時代資訊http://www.oushidai.com/home/m/www.baidu.com#!/news/6815





Step back for one minute and look at the big picture.






作者:蛋蛋的淡 樓主2014年3月和老鄉LD結婚後,辛勤耕耘一年無果,壓力山大。終於在15年3月和LD一起去省婦幼檢查不孕不育。沒想到醫生突然告知,樓主晉升爸爸了!喜從天降後就著手為LD保胎。 無奈雙方父母都在老家還沒退休(那時生娃都早),樓主上班又無法照顧,遂讓LD請了長病假回老家休養


人的一生大概有三分之一的時間,是在睡眠中度過的。而寶寶的睡眠時間更長,一天超過一半的時間都在睡覺。所以,家長們一定要關注孩子的睡眠安全。 我們今天整理了8個孩子睡眠方面家長們最容易犯的錯誤,要注意避開。 問題1:孩子可以和父母睡一張床嗎? 不建議同睡一張床。 很多家長會覺得,孩子小


葡萄胎,就是胚胎的滋養層細胞異常增生,並長成一連串水泡,看起來頗似葡萄。命名是有些隨意,但非常形象。 大部分葡萄胎患者會在停經後8-12周時發生陰道出血,這時,要先去醫院驗血HCG和B超,等待檢查 葡萄胎一經確診,就需要住院清宮,至少等血HCG陰性半年後,才能再次懷孕,這


經常有家長說,孩子「打呼嚕」是最近幾天的事,不但睡覺時「打呼嚕」,就是醒後也要張著口喘氣。嬰幼兒時期的孩子睡覺時「打呼嚕」或是醒後張著口喘氣都是不正常的,應引起家長足夠的重視。 不論是小孩子還是成人,在未患任何疾病的情況下,呼吸都是通過鼻腔來完成的,是不需要張口的,呼吸是在不知不覺中進行


寶寶哭個不停怎麼辦?情緒安撫5s法,嬰兒有安全感,自然不哭不鬧 寶寶餓了,哭! 寶寶冷了,哭! 寶寶尿了,哭! 寶寶不舒服,還是哭! 不滿三個月的寶寶好像除了睡和吃之外,就只有哭這件事了。寶寶哭了之後,我們是應該安撫,還是放任不管呢?其實,大多數新生兒的哭鬧和生理需求有關,只有


文/徐芳老師 圖/網絡 前兩天看到小視頻,引發了很多人的討論,說的是有個警察在檢查的時候剛好攔下了一輛車,然後副駕駛就有一個孩子乖乖地繫著安全帶。還自己在說要繫上安全帶,警察就覺得很奇怪,一般的孩子都不會這麼乖,孩子說,不系安全帶就會像這個IPAD一樣,說著給警察叔叔看一個裂了一大片的I


導語:每年的9月和到第二年5月,很多家長開始不淡定了,因為孩子的溼疹反反覆覆,搞得家長那是手腳無措。 溼疹是什麼? 溼疹確實是一種病因相對比較複雜的皮膚炎症,甚至有些家長還不知道孩子為什麼得溼疹,隨著孩子慢慢的長大,溼疹就自己好了。 5個月的香香臉上這段時間長很多紅色的突出的疹子,而且


恥骨位於大腿根部和小腹的交界處,是骨盆前方的兩塊骨頭,這兩塊骨頭在日常中少被提及,因而多數人對其了解較少,但女性朋友對其應該並不陌生,特別是懷孕過的女性,對恥骨應該了解不少。因為部分女性在妊娠期間會出現恥骨痛,那麼恥骨痛是怎麼回事?什麼因素能誘發恥骨疼痛? 恥骨痛是什麼原因? 一、妊


(音頻錄製:CiCi,這期聽音頻更有收穫哦) 字母是學習英語的開始,漫長的歲月中差不多都融進我們的血液了。三歲的小朋友,26個字母眼睛都不眨就能背出來。 正是因為這種熟悉,我們對字母視若當然,絲毫不覺得讀字母會出什麼差錯。但是,由於中英文的發音習慣不同,我們在讀字母的時候,真的會一不小心就