

2023-06-13 06:37:24





What is the Marvel Cinematic Universe? 漫威電影宇宙到底是個啥?

The Marvel Cinematic Universe - or MCU for short - is the shared place where all 22 films featuring the comic book characters are set.


Each tells its own distinct story but also connects with other films in the MCU, to tell an overarching tale. It's a technique Marvel Comics pioneer Stan Lee also used in his comics.


overarching[,əʊvər'ɑːtʃɪŋ]: adj. 首要的;支配一切的;包羅萬象的

The MCU is the most successful film franchise of all time, making more than $18.2bn to date.


Why did Marvel start with these characters? 漫威電影宇宙是怎麼誕生的?

In 2007, Marvel was recovering from bankruptcy and had sold off the film rights to some of the company's most popular characters like the X-Men and Spider-Man.


Marvel still owned the superheroes who form the core Avengers team - Iron Man, the Hulk, Thor and Captain America - so used the early MCU films to introduce these heroes.


Marvel then brought these characters together for the crossover film Avengers Assemble.


The crossover was planned from the very beginning.


The first MCU film released, Iron Man, included a post-credits scene in which Samuel L Jackson's super spy Nick Fury gives the first mention of the Avengers.


What order should I watch the films in? 怎樣才是漫威宇宙電影的正確打開方式?

We suggest you watch the films in chronological order, rather than the order in which the films were released.



I don't have time to watch all the films! What can I skip? 這麼多電影看不過來!哪些電影可以跳過去不看?

Endgame is the finale of a series of 22 films.


But, don't worry, you don't need to watch every single one to be fully prepared.


Here are the 10 films you could skip and still understand the basics of Endgame.


The Incredible Hulk - you'll learn all you need to know about the key characters here in Avengers Assemble 《無敵浩克》:看《復仇者聯盟》第一部就能了解主要角色。

Thor - ditto 《雷神》:同上。

Thor: The Dark World - you don't need to see this to get the gist of Avengers: Age of Ultron 《雷神2:黑暗世界》:不看這個你也能看懂《復仇者聯盟2:奧創紀元》。

Iron Man 2 - Scarlett Johansson fans may not want to skip this one, as it marks her entry into the MCU 《鋼鐵俠2》:斯嘉麗·詹森的粉絲可能不想錯過這一部,因為該片是她在漫威宇宙的首次亮相。

Iron Man 3 - Robert Downey Jr is always watchable, but skipping this won't leave you confused 《鋼鐵俠3》:小羅伯特·唐尼是很有看點,但不看這部電影也不會讓你找不著北。

Ant-Man - Scott Lang and his superpowers get introduced all over again in Captain America: Civil War 《蟻人》:斯科特·朗和他的超能力在《美國隊長3:內戰》中會重新介紹一遍。

Doctor Strange - all you really need to know is this film introduces the Time Stone. 《奇異博士》:這部電影中你所需要知道的只有時間寶石。

Guardians of the Galaxy, Volume 2 - there's some nice character development here, but it won't give you new information on the final battle 《銀河護衛隊2》:人物發展刻畫得不錯,但不會提供新信息幫你了解終局之戰。

Black Panther - we hesitate to suggest you skip this Oscar-winning film, as it's one of the MCU's best, but other than introducing Wakanda as a location, you'll get most of the relevant information about the characters introduced here in Captain America: Civil War and Avengers: Infinity War 《黑豹》:在建議你跳過這部電影時我們猶豫了一下,因為它畢竟獲得了奧斯卡獎,也是漫威電影宇宙最優秀的影片之一,但是除了介紹瓦坎達王國外,大部分相關信息都可以從《美國隊長3:內戰》和《復仇者聯盟3:無限戰爭》中得到。

Captain Marvel - again, watch this if you can but if you're pushed for time, all you really need to know is that Carol Danvers (Brie Larson) got her powers from the Space Stone and she's going to be important to the final battle in Endgame. Also, the man who put together the Avengers - Nick Fury - lost his eye to an alien disguised as a cat. 《驚奇隊長》:如果有時間你可以看,如果沒時間你只需要知道卡羅爾·丹弗斯(布麗·拉爾森飾演)從空間寶石中獲得超能力,她將在終局之戰中發揮重要作用。還有,復仇者聯盟的組織者尼克·弗瑞的眼睛是被一個偽裝成貓的外星人弄瞎的。

What's so important about Avengers: Endgame? 《終局之戰》為什麼這麼重要?

Marvel's plans for its films are structured in phases, with each one ending with an Avengers crossover movie.


Avengers Assemble spelt the end of Phase One, and Age of Ultron brought Phase Two to a close.


Endgame not only ends Phase 3 but also wraps up the series of 22 films that Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige is now calling The Infinity Saga.


The new title for the first three phases of the MCU references their overarching story, which sees the gathering of the Infinity Stones (six powerful gems that grant their owner great power) and the war against the mad Titan Thanos (Josh Brolin).


Endgame will see the remaining Avengers try and rescue everyone, after villain Thanos got hold of all the Infinity Stones and wiped out half of all living things with a snap of his fingers in last year's Avengers: Infinity War.


All bets are off as to who makes it to the finish line in Endgame, as it also coincides with the end of the contracts of some of the biggest Marvel stars.


all bets are off: 世事難料

It's been widely reported that Chris Evans (Steve Rogers/Captain America), Chris Hemsworth (Thor) and Robert Downey Jr (Tony Stark/Iron Man) have come to the end of their contracts.


There's also been speculation that their Marvel co-stars Scarlett Johansson (Natasha Romonova/Black Widow), Jeremy Renner (Clint Barton/Hawkeye) and Mark Ruffalo (Bruce Banner/Hulk) have also reached the end of their tenure at the studio.


Though a solo Black Widow film is reported to be in the works, it could be a prequel, so there is no guarantee Johansson's character survives.


One thing is for sure though - whatever happens, it will take time for Endgame's story to unfold.


It's the longest entry in the MCU so far, clocking in at three hours and two minutes. That's the same length as the first instalment in Peter Jackson's Hobbit trilogy, An Unexpected Journey (2012).


What's the future of the MCU? 漫威電影宇宙未來將如何發展?

We can expect a major shake-up of the MCU, in the wake of Endgame.


Phase Four begins with the release of Spider-Man: Far from Home on July 5 2019.


According to producer Amy Pascal, the film "will start a few minutes after Avengers 4 wraps as a story".


Tom Holland's Spidey was one of many heroes wiped out in Thanos's Snap in Infinity War, but given his starring role in this film, we can expect he'll be alive and well before the Endgame credits roll.


New films involving other supposedly dead characters have also been confirmed for Phase Four.


Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige has confirmed Benedict Cumberbatch's Doctor Strange will return for a sequel at "some point in the future".


Chadwick Boseman is also likely to recover from his disintegration in time for Black Panther 2.


We also know a third Guardians of the Galaxy film has been confirmed, but we don't know which Guardians will return for it. At the end of Infinity War, Bradley Cooper's Rocket and Karen Gillan's Nebula were the only survivors from that franchise.


Feige has also hinted that Phase Four could include a solo sequel for Brie Larson's Captain Marvel.


Also in development are new films involving super-powered beings called the Eternals, and martial artist superhero Shang-Chi.






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