

2023-06-03 00:53:53


觀看數28萬 ,點讚數6446,評論1400

評論翻譯Gyeom BrownImagine heyun telling his friends and family "i have a girlfriend all of a sudden. we met on the bus and started dating the night before" HAHAHAHAGAAAH I wished they had 1 more 40 min episode explaining everything in depth. Like why they got in the loop, or heyun and shiqing explaining to zhang how they knew everything. or even becoming friends with lu di. or what happened when heyun was stuck in standby for so long? we need a little more wholesome content :')also, is it just me or is it hilarious that they probably casted a handful of people and told them "we're going to film you guys smiling and eating watermelon"想像一下,鶴雲告訴他的朋友和家人,「我一下子就有了一個女朋友,我們是在公交車上認識的,是從昨晚開始約會的」,哈哈哈。我希望他們能再出一集40分鐘的,把所有問題都作一番詳細的解釋。比如他們為什麼進入了循環,鶴雲和詩情向張警官解釋他們是如何得知這一切的,或是和盧迪成為朋友,以及鶴雲長時間困在待機狀態裡的原因?再給我們一點厲害的內容吧:')還有啊,他們可能物色了五六個人然後告訴他們「我們打算拍你們笑著吃西瓜的場面」,只有我覺得這很搞笑嗎?Yeah exactly 1 more episode would have been lovely! I want them to be friends with Lu Di and play with cats together, or talk some more with officer Zhang because he was the only one who always gave them the benefit of the doubt and listened, also what about heyun and shiqing going on a cute date or something? There's so many possibilities. Of couse I'm absolutely satisfied with the ending, I'm glad each chara got their own happy conclusion to the story, it's the best possible last episode we could've asked for <3 Also u may say casting people just for the watermelon scene is funny, but that's when I started crying during the episode lmaoo(回)可不是嘛,要是能多拍一集就太爽了!我希望他們能和盧迪成為朋友,一起逗逗貓什麼的,或者和張警官多聊幾句,因為他是唯一一個假定他們無辜還願意聆聽他們的人,還有啊,讓鶴雲和詩情出去幽個會什麼的不香嗎?有這麼多的可能性呢。當然,這個結局我是相當滿意的,我很高興每個角色都收穫了屬於自己的圓滿結局,這可能是我們所能期待的最好的大結局了。你可能會覺得為了吃西瓜這場戲而選人很搞笑,但我在這集中開始哭也正是從這一幕開始的。i was tearing up then thought of that to stop myselfalso made me realize we know more about the side characters than our leads BRUH(回)當時我就淚流滿面了,然後想到了這一點才止住眼淚。這也讓我意識到,我們對支線人物的了解超過了主角yeah me too cried at watermelon sences it was good(回)是啊,我也在西瓜這場戲時哭了,這一幕很棒。just in case you didnt know, i heard that the actual novel, those two went to a hotel and had sex during one of the loop, because they think that it will reset again so they will only have the experience but not physically had sex, still virgins. It didn't include that in the series hahaha(回)也許你還不知道,我聽說在原著小說中,那兩個人在其中一次循環期間,去酒店開了房還滾了床單,因為他們覺得反正會再次重置,所以他們只會擁有這次性經驗,但身體上不會有染,仍會保有處子之身。這部劇中並沒有納入這部分情節,哈哈哈People say in the novel, the dead daughter is who pulled Shi Qing into the loop. She hope since they had similar demeanor, she could be able to convince her parents from causing a crime.(回)他們說在小說中,是那個死去的女兒把詩情拉進了這個循環。鑑於她倆的行為舉止近似,她希望詩情能說服她的父母不要犯罪。ws cryingbc lu di was not in the loop but he believed them when they used code(回)我也哭了,因為盧迪雖不在循環內,可是當他們說出暗號時他就這樣相信了他們。we're gonna need a season 2 when they get married and (hopefully the oldies on the bus are still alive ofc) and everyone on the bus have a fun time together reuniting a terrifying experience. and then timeskip again when the 2 have a kid- also my wish is that heyun and li and lu di become bsfs because they low key would seem like it.(回)我們需要第二季,就拍拍他們結婚,以及(希望公交車上的老人還活著)公交車上的每個人都能在遭遇了這樣一段駭人的經歷後開開心心地重新聚首。然後再一次把時間躍進到他們倆有了一個孩子,而且我希望鶴雲、詩情和盧迪能親如兄弟姐妹,因為他們行事都很低調,看起來是有可能的。The driver's daughter causes the loop, and she wants Shi Qing to save her parents. The aunt saw her daughter before getting into the police car, which is a hint.(回)是司機的女兒造就了這個循環,她希望詩情能拯救她的父母。鍋姨被押上警車之前看到了她的女兒,這便是暗示。time travel and ghost story is generally not allowed. Maybe they are loosening the censorship as long as the story is not "dumb" and have some moral value to it(回)時間旅行和鬼故事一般是不允許的。也許他們正在放寬S核,只要故事不「愚蠢」且具有一定的道德價值。if we could guess the cause of the time loop even with this minimum content, then I think mengmen created it. And she used another college student similar to her(回)儘管只掌握了最低限度的信息,但如果我們能猜一下時間循環的起因,那麼我認為是萌萌造成的。而且她利用的是另一個和她很相似的大學生Lee StarI didn't cry at all but this last episode got me crying like a baby this was well made我之前都沒有哭,這最後一集卻讓我哭得像個孩子,製作精良啊。Q WangSpoiler: Shiqing will wear different clothes劇個透:詩情會在這一集中換衣服。What a painful thing for a girl to always wear the same clothes, and have no washroom to change it. : )(回)人一姑娘,總是穿同一套衣服該多痛苦啊,而且更衣時還沒有盥洗室可用Moominah Umpatthe most satisfying ending ever. why ? because we do not only see the happy ending of the main leads but also the happy impact it does on the life of the Supporting Characters we saw throughout the previous episodes. so satisfying and wholesome that i can finally relax after watching this series.這是迄今最讓人滿意的結局。為什麼呢?因為我們不僅見證了主角們的圓滿結局,還見證了該結局對我們在前幾集裡看到的配角們的生活的積極影響。太心滿意足太厲害了,看完了這個劇,我是終於可以鬆一口氣了。fadi yaNo words . Just spectacular there isn't any single boring or unwanted scenes throughout the drama. The scxt and cast is awesome especially mengmengs parents and mainleads . this is so far bestest drama for me . I was so done by cliche plots and this drama made my days these days exciting. gonna miss everything of RESET我已經語塞了。讓人萬分驚嘆的是,整部劇中無聊或多餘的場景一個都沒有。劇本和演員陣容都很棒,特別是萌萌的父母以及主角們,在我看來,這是迄今為止最出色的電視劇。老套的劇情我實在是受夠了,而這部劇讓我這些天的生活都變得振奮起來了。我會想念《開端》中的一切。原創翻譯:龍騰網 http://www.ltaaa.cn 轉載請註明出處You stole my words :') I wish they do another show together or a new season of RESET.(回)我的臺詞都被你說完了呵呵,我希望他們能一起再拍一個劇,或是再拍出新一季的《開端》。something I want, but I think they shouldn’t do. The whole point of this story is that it revolves around one exact moment, and how through that one moment, there are many stories to tell; who someone is, where they came from, what they are doing at that moment…it displays an awe-striking amount of stories in just one scene. If they carry it on, it would lose that 「one moment」 magic; if they did it with something different and approached it differently, I think that would be better(回)我也想要第二季,但我認為他們不應該這麼做。這個故事的全部意義就在於,它圍繞的是一個確切的時刻以及如何通過這一時刻,有很多故事可以講;某人是誰,他們來自何方,在那一刻他們做了什麼...它僅在一個場景中就呈示了大量令人驚嘆的故事。如果他們繼續往下拍,就會失去這種「一時一刻」的魔力;如果他們用的是不同的概念來拍,而且用的是不同的手法,那我覺得就更好了。

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