

2023-07-13 09:55:30

牛津大學面試完整?Hi there! I'm Johan from Oxford Online English.,下面我們就來說一說關於牛津大學面試完整?我們一起去了解並探討一下這個問題吧!


Hi there! I'm Johan from Oxford Online English.

大家好!我是 Johan 來自Oxford Online English。

Do you love cinema?

Or do you just want to find some topics to talk about in English?



Either way this will be a fantastic lesson for you, because we're going to look at how to have interesting conversations about film and cinema in English.

We'll look at how to talk about films in general, and you can also learn vocabulary to talk about different kinds of films in English.



But first… Part one: how to talk about your favourite film.

The easiest way to start talking about films is to ask: "What is your favourite film?"



I can tell you about myself. My favourite film is Apocalypse Now.


If you were talking to me, you could follow this question by asking: "Why do you like it?"

For me, I like this film because it has an interesting plot.



It also has great cinematography and some amazing performances. Plot is another word for story.

它的攝影技術也很出色,演員演繹得也很精彩。Plot 是 story 的另一種說法。

And cinematography refers to the imagery of the film — how it looks and how it was shot. Apocalypse Now has great cinematography because it has many beautiful, shocking and memorable scenes, which I'll always remember.


Performance means how an actor acts. You can say things like: "Edward Norton's performance in Fight Club was surely one of the best of his career."

Performance 意思是演員如何表演的。你可以這麼說:「愛德華·諾頓在《搏擊俱樂部》中的表演的確是他職業生涯中最好的一次。」

Or "Steven Spielberg always gets good performances out of his actors." What else can I say about this film?


If you haven't seen it, or you don't know what it is, I could give you some more basic information, such as: It's a war film. It's set in Vietnam during the war.


It was directed by Francis Ford Coppola. And it's based on a book by Joseph Conrad.


What about your favourite film? You could use these sentences to talk about it: It's a something film.


It's set in. . . It was directed by. . . It's based on. . . What else can you say about your favourite film? Can you make one or two sentences to explain why you like it?


Pause the video now and practice if you want. Next, do you know what the word for a style of film is?


We use the word genre. It's pronounced with a/ʒ/sound which sounds like the's' in television.

我們用 genre 這個詞。它的發音中有/ʒ/這個音,聽起來就像television 裡 's' 的發音。

You can also talk about types of films or kinds of films. The meaning is the same.

你也可以談論 types of films 或者 kinds of films。它們的意思是一樣的。

So what genres of film do you like or dislike? Next, you're going to learn how to talk about different types of films in more detail.


Shall we begin with some feel-good films? Part two: feel-good films: comedies, musicals and animations.


Who's this? This is Charlie Chaplain, one of the first producers of comedy films.


His style is called slapstick and this means that silly things happen to him, like slipping on a banana. Slapstick is usually simple, physical comedy.


Some other famous comedies are Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, The Hangover or Monty Python and the Holy Grail. These are different types of comedy.


The Hangover is more of a gross-out comedy. Its jokes are based on disgusting ideas or images.


Monty Python is a famous surreal comedy. It's surreal because its humour is based on strange situations and weird jokes.


If you laughed or enjoyed the film you would say the film is funny or amusing. If you laughed a lot you could say something like: "The Hangover was hilarious."


You could also describe how much you laughed. For example, you could say: "I've never laughed so much!"


"I was on the floor laughing." Or, "I laughed till I cried."


Another feel-good genre is musicals. What do you think this means?


As you can imagine, these films have a lot of singing. Some famous examples are Singing in the Rain, High School Musical and The Sound of Music.


If a musical had memorable songs you could use the word catchy to describe them: "The songs in The Sound of Music were very catchy." This means that the songs get into your head, so you might find yourself singing the songs to yourself days or even weeks later.

如果你對一部音樂劇裡面的歌曲印象深刻的話,你可以用 catchy 這個詞來描述它們:「《音樂之聲》裡面的歌曲很朗朗上口。」意思是那些歌曲很容易被記住,所以你可能會發現在幾天甚至是幾周後自己還能唱起來。

Musicals should also have good dance scenes, where all the cast dance together. Dance scenes need good choreography—this is how the dance scenes are planned.


"I love Moulin Rouge for many reasons, but I particularly like the choreography." Many films have soundtracks—songs which are used within the film.


For a musical, the soundtrack is obviously important. Often, you can buy the soundtracks to famous films.


"She's been listening to the Frozen soundtrack non-stop for weeks now." Have you seen Frozen?


It's a musical, but it's also an animation. These films are made by animators – people who use graphics or some other way to create the film.


Think of films like The Lion King, Shrek or Ice Age. These films are often made just for children, but they often have stories that both adults and children will enjoy.


Modern animations like Ice Age are made largely using computer imagery, but traditional animations were hand-drawn. "I prefer older animated films.


I think the hand-drawn style creates a nicer feel." Many of these feel-good films are sentimental.


They make you feel emotional, or maybe they even make you cry. But I never cry during films, honest!


If a film makes you feel strong emotions, you can describe it as moving. This brings us to our next topic.


Part three: moving films: romance, dramas and epics. When was the last time you saw a moving film.


Was it a romance or perhaps a drama? Often, romance follows a simple structure: boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy gets girl.


What language can we use to describe these types of films? If it made you cry you can say that it brought you to tears or that you cried all the way through: "Titanic was a moving film; it brought me to tears."


Or, you could say: "I cried all the way through Titanic; romantic films always make me emotional." We can also talk about the chemistry between the two characters.


This means that you can feel the passion between the two main actors. "There was so much chemistry between Leonardo Dicaprio and Kate Winslet."


Titanic is also an example of a drama. A drama is a film where the characters are realistic.


The story focuses on their relationships and problems. Some other famous examples of dramas are The Godfather or The Shawshank Redemption.


Drama is a very broad genre. Dramas can be positive and uplifting like The Shawshank Redemption, which has a happy, optimistic message, but some dramas can be dark and bleak, like Twelve Years a Slave, which deals with more unpleasant and negative themes.


Maybe the film really made you think about life. Sometimes the film has an open ending.


In these cases you would say that the film was thought-provoking or you could say that it left you thinking. "The Shawshank Redemption left me thinking."


Or: "Citizen Kane was thought-provoking." Some dramas are based on true stories or real historical events.


For example, Lawrence of Arabia is a historical drama about real people and events. Have you seen it?


It's nearly four hours long! This makes it an epic.


Epics are films which have very big, broad stories. Epics often have different characters and sub-plots.


Do you remember what plot means? Then you should be able to guess the meaning of a sub-plot.

你還記得 plot 的意思麼?這樣你應該能猜出 sub-plot 的意思來。

A sub-plot is a mini-story, maybe involving minor characters. For example, the main plot of a film might be about the hero's battle against evil, while there is also a sub-plot about his or her love interest.

sub-plot 就是一個小故事,可能包含次要人物。比如,一部電影的主線情節是男主角對戰邪惡勢力,但陪襯情節可以是他或者她的愛情趣事。

Epic films often have many sub-plots, which can make them very long. Most epics are over two hours long.


Some other famous epics are Ben Hur, Braveheart or Gangs of New York. Epics are usually big-budget films: they cost a lot to make.


"The budget for Ben Hur must have been huge." Some epics, like Braveheart, contain a lot of exciting action scenes.


This brings us to… Part four: exciting films: horror, sci-fi and action.


Some films try to scare you: these are horror films. Who is this?


For most people it's Frankenstein but technically it is Frankenstein's monster. There are many other scary films such as Nightmare on Elm Street, The Exorcist or Jaws.


Some people don't watch horrors because it gives them nightmares. Do you watch them?


Good horror films should be terrifying or even petrifying. Petrifying means that something is so scary that you can't even move.

好的恐怖片應該是嚇人的,甚至嚇得人渾身僵硬。Petrifying 意思是某物讓你害怕得走不動道。

"The Ring was petrifying. I was too scared even to go upstairs by myself after I saw it."


You can also say that the film will give you nightmares. "Jaws is a terrifying film; it really gave me nightmares."


Some horror films use a lot of violence and blood to scare you, but others depend on atmosphere. These horror films are spooky or creepy.


They scare you by creating a sense of the unknown. "The Blair Witch Project was so spooky.


I couldn't sleep for a week!" What about this famous horror film?


This is an alien from the film Alien. This film is a horror film, but it's also sci-fi.


Do you know what sci-fi stands for? It stands for science fiction.

你知道 sci-fi 指什麼嗎?它指的是科幻小說。

Sci-fi films show us futuristic scenarios, often with advanced technologies like teleporters or faster-than-light travel. Many sci-fi films are set on other planets, or even in outer space.


For example, Alien was set on a spaceship. This means that sci-fi films often use a lot of special effects.


"Special effects in the original Star Wars were very advanced for when it was made." Special effects can be created using models or computer graphics.


Special effects which are made using computers are often called CGI—computer-generated imagery. "When a film uses too much CGI, it stops being believable."

電腦製作的特效通常稱為 CGI——電腦成像技術。「如果一部電影使用了太多的電腦成像技術,就變得不可信了。」

Have you seen The Matrix? This film was famous for its CGI.


It used a lot of techniques that hadn't really been used before. Matrix is another film which fits into two genres: it's sci-fi, but it's also an action film.


Action films are typically full of fights, guns, car chases and explosions. This looks like a scene from an action film.


James Bond, Indiana Jones and the Matrix films are examples of action films. Quite often these films have stunts in them.


For example, the hero might have to jump out of a moving car, or fight someone on the roof of a moving train. Which do you prefer: films with real stunts, or CGI?


Probably real stunts, right? However, action films aren't the only exciting film genre…


Part five: mystery films: thrillers and crime. Some films really hold your attention all the way through.


You don't know what's going to happen, and this can make you feel excited or nervous. These films are thrillers.


The Usual Suspects is an example of a thriller. Director Alfred Hitchcock is famous for his thrillers, including the classic film Psycho.


Thrillers are suspenseful—they make you feel excited or nervous because you aren't sure what's going to happen next. In a good thriller, the suspense will keep you on the edge of your seat.


"The Silence of the Lambs kept me on the edge of my seat all the way through." A good thriller is also gripping.


You can't stop watching because you want to see what's going to happen. "The Usual Suspects is a gripping film with a brilliant twist."


What's a twist? Many thrillers have a twist—a very surprising change of direction.


A good twist is unpredictable. For example, you could say: "I really didn't see the twist coming in Memento."


For a bad thriller, you might say, "I saw the twist coming a mile away. Boring!" Many thrillers and exciting films are also crime films.


Crime films can be detective stories, where detectives try to solve a mystery, or they can be stories about criminals. Like thrillers, crime films should be gripping and suspenseful.


Many crime films are also quite violent. If a film has a lot of violence, you can describe it as brutal.


"Scarface has some pretty brutal scenes." If a film is so violent that it's difficult to watch, you might describe it as gruesome.


"I couldn't get to the end of Reservoir Dogs. It was just too gruesome."


The best crime films need a good villain. The villain is the opposite of the hero.


The villain in a crime film is often the number one criminal, the bad guy. "No Country for Old Men surely has one of the best villains of any film."


However, sometimes the bad guy is the hero of the film. In this case, you can describe the main character as an antihero.


In a good crime film, you'll sympathize with the antihero, even though they're a criminal. "Leon is a great film.


Even though he's a professional killer, you see his human side." So now you should be able to talk about films you like and discuss many different kinds of film in English.


There's a lot of vocabulary in this lesson. Can you remember some of the new words you've heard?


For example, what does bleak mean? What kind of film can be described as hilarious?

比如,bleak 的意思是什麼?什麼樣的電影可以用 hilarious 來描述?

What does a suspenseful film do to you? Don't worry if you can't remember everything!


You can always watch the video again to review the vocabulary. You can also read the full script on our website.


And there's also a quiz, so you can test your film vocabulary! That's all from me.


So what's your favourite film? And what film genres do you like/dislike, and why?


You can let us know in the comments below.

For more of our free English lessons please visit: Oxford Online English dot com.


觀看更多免費課程請登錄我們的網站:Oxford Online English dot com.

See you next time.


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