

2023-07-21 09:50:50

    中國北京-2014年6月19日-Nuance通訊公司今天宣布,公司針對安卓智慧型手機和平板電腦而設具有學習能力的Swype(速劃)活鍵盤現已成為OPPO,中國領先智慧型手機品牌之一的預設鍵盤。該合作將提供其他的語言的支持,針對東南亞和拉美市場拓展,包括Swype的可選活語言平臺所有功能,為用戶提供懂得學習 、成長和個性化的使用體驗。鍵盤無需下載。



  「自2008年進入移動市場以來,我們一直秉承「至美,所品不凡」的品牌理念,致力於為消費者提供極致的產品。我們深信,Nuance Swype(速劃)鍵盤的強大、智能和直觀的功,能讓我們保持在行業前列,幫助我們為用戶提供差異化體驗,並更好配合我們全球業務拓展。我們很高興能夠向該地區新興市場的客戶和合作夥伴分享這項我們選擇的極致文本輸入技術,」 OPPO海外事業部負責人Sky Lee 表示。

  「通過與Nuance的合作,OPPO將為用戶使用行動裝置提供一種全新、簡單和自適應的模式,並可以支持超過70種語言,特別針對東南亞新興和快速發展的市場,」Nuance移動和消費事業部移動產品副總裁Aaron Sheedy表示。「配合其在泰國、印度尼西亞、俄羅斯、越南以及印度市場的拓展, OPPO平臺將整合Nuance 的Swype鍵盤, 為用戶提供直觀和定製的鍵盤體驗。」

  Swype是Nuance語音、觸控以及自然語言理解創新產品組合的一部分。Nuance產品對新一代智能系統和個人助理技術進行了界定,其中包括Dragon NaturallySpeaking、Dragon Dictate for Mac、Dragon Assistant for Intel-inspired Ultrabooks、Nuance Voice Ads、聲龍聽寫、Dragon Go!、聲龍移動助手、聲龍駕駛、聲龍電視、聲龍聲紋以及Dragon Voicemail to Text。有了Nuance技術,人們便可以與領先製造商和運營商提供的全球非常好的手機、平板電腦、電腦、汽車、電視、應用以及服務進行更具人性化的互動。■



  OPPO N1和Find 7海外版現已預設Swype速劃鍵盤。欲知更多詳情,請訪問http://en.oppo.com。








  Nuance通訊公司 智達傳訊

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  News Release

  From Nuance Communications, Inc.

  Nuance Swype Now Exclusive Keyboard for OPPO International Version

  Swype’s Living, Learning Keyboard for Smartphone and Tablets Users to Create Intuitive and Flexible Keyboard Experience in Thai, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Russian, Spanish and Beyond

  Burlington, MA – June 19,2014– Nuance Communications, Inc.(NASDAQ: NUAN)today announced that its popular living, learning Swype keyboard for Android smartphones and tablets is now the default keyboard for OPPO, one of the top smartphone brands in China. The agreement includes expanded languages for regions such as South East Asia and Latin America – all part of Swype’s Living Language platform with optional sign-up that grows, learns and personalizes the user experience. No download required.

  Swype is the most personal, powerful and customizable four-in-one keyboard for Android, allowing people to quickly glide their finger from one letter to the next to input text – or simply tap, speak or handwrite letters, numbers and symbols.OPPO is passionate about exploring and integrating cutting-edge technology. Together with Swype’s adaptive platform, OPPO will offer smartphone users a language platform and input method that deploy a differentiated keyboard experience.

  Swype’s Living Language platform uses crowdsourcing to analyze new words and phrases in real-time, continuously updating its language dictionaries.Swype features intuitive bilingual support for languages that allows users to enter text in two selected languages, quickly and easily. And, words suggested by Swype will automatically adjust to the bilingual user’s language preference. Swype’s bilingual keyboard capabilities support over 1,000 language combinations, including standards like English-Spanish, Thai-English, Vietnamese-French, Czech-Russian, and many more.

  「Since entering the mobile market in 2008, we have been relentless in our pursuit of the latest technology, the highest quality and the most user-friendly products. We are confident that we will stay ahead and provide our customers differentiation with Swype’s intelligent and intuitive keyboard capabilities, while enhancing our global reach in the process. We are thrilled to share this contemporary take on text-input with our customers and partners for the emerging markets in the region. 「said Sky Li, Director of Overseas Business, OPPO.

  「Working with Nuance, OPPO is able to offer an adaptive and simplified way to engage with mobile devices in over 70 languages and especially in the fast-developing markets in South East Asia,」 said Aaron Sheedy, vice president of mobile product, Mobile and Consumer Division, Nuance. 「With an expanded presence in Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam and India, OPPO platforms will integrate Nuance’s Swype for intuitive and customizable keyboard experiences.」


  Swype for OPPO is now available for the OPPO N1 and the Find7 international version. To learn more: visit http://en.oppo.com.

  Swype is a part of Nuance’s portfolio of voice, touch and natural language understanding innovations that are defining a new generation of intelligent systems and personal assistant technologies, which include Dragon NaturallySpeaking, Dragon Dictate for Mac, Dragon Assistant for Intel-inspired Ultrabooks, Nuance Voice Ads, Dragon Dictation, Dragon Go!, Dragon Mobile Assistant, Dragon Drive, Dragon TV, Nuance Voiceprint and Dragon Voicemail to Text. With Nuance technology, people experience more humanized interactions with the world’s best phones, tablets, computers, cars, TVs, apps and services from leading manufacturers and operators.

  To learn more visit: www.nuance.com or follow us on Twitter: @NuanceMobile or @NuanceInc.

  About Nuance Communications, Inc.

  Nuance Communications, Inc. is a leading provider of voice and language solutions for businesses and consumers around the world. Its technologies, applications and services make the user experience more compelling by transforming the way people interact with devices and systems. Every day, millions of users and thousands of businesses experience Nuance’s proven applications. For more information, please visit www.nuance.com.

  About OPPO

  OPPO is a globally registered technology brand with a long history of serving customers in North America, Europe and Asia. We seek to fuse technology and affection in all of our products, and since entering the mobile market in 2008, we have been restless in our pursuit of the latest technology, the highest quality and the most user friendly products. For more information, please visit http://en.oppo.com/.

  Nuance, Swype and the Nuance logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Nuance Communications, Inc. or its subsidiaries in the United States of America and/or other countries. All other company names or product names may be the trademarks of their respective owners.

  Media Contact:

  Molly Kelley

  Nuance Communications





  4月10日消息,華為在今日官宣,宣布將在4月17日召開華為 nova11 系列及全場景新品發布會。  根據目前了解到的信息,華為在4月17日14:30分召開的華為 nova11 系列及全場景新品發布會將會發布華為 nova11 系列手機以及華為 Watch 4 系列、華為手環 8 等新品。  目
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  拍照已經成為手機最為重要的功能之一,不少用戶在選購手機的時候都會率先考慮手機的拍照性能,因此在今年發布的手機當中,我們明顯可以感覺到關於各大廠商在拍照上紛紛發力,手機的拍照能力有了很大的升級。  其中,榮耀30 Pro+是表現最為搶眼的手機之一,這款手機在DXOMARK上的得分為125分,目前排