

2023-10-11 20:08:40


1. date back to 追溯到

The church dates back to the 13th century. 這座教堂始建於13世紀。


2. hold on to 抓住;保住;保存

Hold on to my arm. 抓緊我的胳膊。

I will hold on to your mail for you until you get back. 你回來之前我將一直替你保管你的郵件。


3. relate to 把······聯繫起來;與······有相關

In the future, pay increases will be related to productivity. 以後,工資的增加將和業績掛鈎。

We shall discuss the problem as it relates to our specific case. 我們應針對我們的具體情況來討論這個問題。

4. connect ... to ... 使······連接,接通

First connect the printer to the computer. 首先把印表機與計算機接通。

5. join ... to ... 把······和······連接起來

The island is joined to the mainland by a bridge. 這個島有一座橋與大陸相連。


6. prefer ... to ... 與······比更喜歡

I prefer walking to cycling. 與騎自行車相比,我更喜歡步行。

7. take to 開始喜歡;對······產生好感

I took to it immediately. 我立刻就喜歡上了它。

He hasn’t taken to his new school. 他對新學校還沒產生興趣。

拓展:take to doing 養成······習慣

Mary has taken to getting up at 6 and going jogging. 瑪麗養成了6點起床去慢跑的習慣。

8. be attached to 附屬於;喜歡;依戀

The research unit is attached to the university. 這個研究單位附屬於大學。

We have grown very attached to the house. 我們變得非常喜歡這座房子。

9. be addicted to 對······上癮;沉溺於

50 million Americans are addicted to nicotine. 五千萬美國人有菸癮。

He is addicted to computer games. 他迷上了電腦遊戲。

10. look forward to 期待

I’m looking forward to the weekend. 我盼著過周末呢。

We’re really looking forward to seeing you again. 我們非常盼望著能再見到你。

11. look up to 尊敬

I』ve always looked up to Bill for his courage and determination.我一向佩服比爾的勇氣和決心。


12. be opposed to 反對

Most of us are opposed to the death penalty. 我們大多數人都反對死刑。

She remained bitterly opposed to the idea of moving abroad. 她仍然強烈反對移居國外。

13. object to 反對;不贊成

Many local people object to the building of the new airport. 許多當地的居民反對興建新機場。

14. agree to sth 同意某事

I can’t agree to anything without my partner’s approval. 沒有合伙人的認可我什麼也不能答應。

15. admit to 承認

Don’t be afraid to admit (to) your mistakes. 不要怕認錯。

She admits (to) being strict with her children. 她承認對自己的孩子很嚴厲。

Paul admitted to me that he sometimes feels jealous of my friendship with Tom. 保羅向我承認,說他有時候嫉妒我與湯姆的友誼。

16. turn a blind eye / deaf ear to 對······視而不見 / 對······充耳不聞

Teachers were turning a blind eye to smoking in school. 老師對學生在學校裡抽菸睜一隻眼閉一隻眼。

The factory owners turned a deaf ear to the demands of the workers. 工廠主對工人們的要求置若罔聞。

17. be open to 對······(持)開放(態度)

I’m open to suggestions for what you would like to do in our classes. 我很樂意聽聽你們對課堂活動的建議。

Managers need to be open to your ideas. 管理人員需要樂於接納新思想。


18. respond to 回答,回應;對······做出反應

She never responded to my letter. 她從來沒給我回過信。

How did they respond to the news? 他們對這則消息有什麼反應。

19. reply to 回答;回應

reply to a question / an advertisement 回答問題 / 回應廣告

The terrorists replied to the government’s statement with more violence. 恐怖分子以更多的暴力事件來回應政府的聲明。

20. turn to 轉向;翻到;求助於

The road turns to the left after the church. 這條路過了教堂之後向左轉彎。

Turn to page 64. 翻到第64頁。

She has nobody she can turn to. 她求助無門。

21. be good to 對······好

He was very good to me when I was ill. 我生病時他對我關懷備至。

拓展:be kind to 對……和善;be bad to 對……不好

22. be sensitive to 對······體恤的;對······敏感的

She is very sensitive to other people’s feelings. 她很能體諒他人的情感。

My teeth are very sensitive to cold food. 我的牙齒對冷食過敏。

23. treat sb to sth 請客;款待

We treated Mom to lunch at a newly-opened restaurant.我們在一家新開的飯店請媽媽吃午飯。

I treated myself to a new dress. 我慰勞自己,買了一條新的連衣裙。

24. help oneself / sb to 自己取/ 幫他人取(食物等)

Please help yourself to some cake. 請隨便吃蛋糕。

Can I help you to some more salad? 再給你來點色拉好嗎?

25. drink (a toast) to 為······乾杯;propose a toast to (sb) (為某人)祝酒

Let’s drink to Julia and her new job. 讓咱們為朱莉婭和她的新工作乾杯。

I』d like to propose a toast to the bride and groom. 我提議為新郎和新娘乾杯。

26. be senior to 年齡長於;資歷 / 職位高於

He is senior to me by ten years. / He is ten years senior to me. 他比我大10歲。

He is senior to me.他的職位比我高。

27. owe ... to 把······歸功於;歸功(於某事)

I owe everything to him. 我的一切都歸功於他。

Their success owes more to good luck than to careful management. 他們的成功更多靠的是運氣,而不是悉心經營。

28. be engaged to 與······訂婚

She is engaged to Peter. 她與彼得定了婚。

29. be married to 和······結婚

She is married to John. 嫁給了約翰。

30. be faithful / loyal to 對······忠誠

Do you think Bob has always been faithful to you? 你認為鮑勃一直對你忠誠嗎?

She has always remained loyal to her political principles. 她總是信守自己的政治原則。

31. mean sth to sb 對某人重要(有價值)

Your friendship means a great deal to me. 你的友誼對我來說是很珍貴的。

Her children mean the world to her. 她的孩子就是她的一切。

32. appeal to sb 對某人有吸引力

The design has to appeal to all ages and social groups. 設計得雅俗共賞,老幼皆宜。


33. be no / a stranger to sth 熟悉 / 熟悉某事

China is no stranger to massive earthquakes. 大地震在中國並不罕見。

I’m a stranger to the operation of the computer. 我不熟悉電腦操作。

拓展:be new to 對······陌生

34. be familiar to 為······所熟悉

The smell is familiar to everyone who lives near a bakery. 住在麵包店附近的人都很熟悉這種氣味。

拓展:be familiar with 熟悉

Everyone who lives near a bakery is familiar with the smell. 住在麵包店附近的人都很熟悉這種氣味。

35. be known to 為······所知

He was known to his friends as John. 他的朋友們都叫他約翰。


36. refer to 談到;參考;查閱

We agreed never to refer to the matter again. 我們同意永遠不再提這件事。

You know who I’m referring to. 你知道我指的是誰。

He gave the speech without referring to his notes. 他不看演講稿發表了演講。

37. when it comes to 談到······時

When it comes to pollution, the chemical industry is a major offender. 談到環境汙染問題,化工產業是一大禍害。

When it comes to other people’s arguments, it’s better to leave well alone. 遇到別人爭論時,最好別插嘴。

38. occur to sb 某人突然想到

It didn’t occur to her to ask for help. 她沒想到請別人幫忙。


39. devote oneself to 獻身於;專心於

devote sth to sth 把······用於

She devoted herself to her career. 她全力傾注於自己的事業。

I could only devote two hours a day to the work. 我一天只能在這個工作上花兩個小時。

40. apply oneself / sth to 致力於

Over the next months, he applied himself to improving the technique. 在接下來的幾個月裡,他一門心思改進技術。

We applied our minds to finding a solution to our problems. 我們絞盡腦汁尋求解決問題的辦法。

拓展:apply to 向……申請;適用於

apply to a company / university 向公司 / 大學申請

What I’m saying applies only to some of you. 我所說的只涉及你們中的一些人。

41. put one’s mind to 全神貫注於

She could have been a brilliant pianist if she had put her mind to it. 如果她專心致志,堅持到底,她本可以成為一名傑出的鋼琴家。


42. be / get / become used to sth習慣於

I found it tiring to begin with but I soon got used to it. 我起初覺得很累,但不久便適應了。

43. accustom oneself / sb to sth / get / become accustomed to sth 習慣於

It took him a while to accustom himself to the idea. 他過了一段時間才習慣這個想法。

My eyes slowly grew accustomed to the dark. 我的眼睛慢慢適應了黑暗。

44. adapt / adjust to sth / adapt / adjust oneself to sth 適應;習慣

A large organization can be slow to adapt to change. 大結構可能應變遲緩。

It took him a while to adapt himself to his new surroundings. 他過了好一陣子才適應了新環境。


45. set fire to 放火燒······

Several youths had set fire to the police car. 幾個年輕人縱火焚燒警車。

46. sentence sb to sth / be sentenced to 判處某人某徒刑 / 被判處徒刑

The judge sentenced him to five years in prison. 法官判他五年監禁。

He was sentenced to death. 他被判處死刑。

47. do harm to 對······有害處

The court case will do serious harm to my business. 這起訴訟案件將嚴重損害我的生意。

48. give rise to 引起

His speech gave rise to a bitter argument. 他的演講引起了激烈的討論。

49. lead to 導致

Eating too much sugar can lead to health problems. 食用過多糖會引起健康問題。

50. contribute to 造成;有助於

Bill’s drinking contributed to the end of his marriage to his first wife. 比爾酗酒導致了他與第一任妻子的婚姻的結束。

51. reduce ... to ... 使陷入(更壞的)境地;使淪落

She was reduced to tears by their criticisms. 他們的批評使她留下了眼淚。

They were reduced to begging in the streets. 他們淪落到街頭乞討。

52. put / bring an end to 結束、bring ... to an end 結束

bring a meeting to an end 結束會議

It’s hoped that talks may bring an end to the violence. 人們希望談判可以結束這起暴力事件。

53. happen to 遭到;遇到

I hope nothing has happened to them. 我希望他們沒出事。

It’s the best thing that has ever happened to me. 這是我所遇到的最好的事。

54. come to 達到;結果為

come to a decision / conclusion / agreement 作出決定 / 得出結論 / 達成協議

I never thought it would come to this. 我一點都沒想到情況會變成這個樣子。

All those years of studying, and in the end it all came to nothing. 那麼多年的學習,結果確實一事無成。

55. be subject to 可能受······影響的,易遭受······的;取決於,視······而定;服從於

All flights are subject to delay. 所有航班都有可能延誤。

The article is ready to publish, subject to your approval. 那篇文章準備好了,可以發表,就等你批准了。(文章發表與否取決於是否批准)

Violators are subject to a $100 fine. 違者需被罰款100美元。


56. take / make a trip to 到······去

pay a visit to 參觀

on one’s way to 在去某地的路上;在達成某事的過程中

If you have time, pay a visit to the local museum. 你若有空,參觀一下當地的博物館。


57. add to 增加;增添

The bad weather only added to our difficulties. 惡劣的天氣更增加了我們的困難。

58. add up to 總計;結果是

The numbers add up to exactly 100. 這些數字的總數恰好是100.

Rising prison population and overcrowding add up to a real crisis. 監獄裡的犯人越來越多,人滿為患,造成實實在在的危機。

59. amount to 總計;等於

His earnings are said to amount to $30000 a month. 據說他每月掙的錢多達3萬美元。

Her answer amounted to a complete refusal. 她的答覆等於完全拒絕。


60. stick to 堅持

She finds it impossible to stick to a diet. 飲食老受限制,她覺得堅持不下去。

He promised to help us and he stuck to his word. 他答應過幫助我們,他沒有失信。

61. pay attention to 注意

Please pay attention to what I’m saying. 請注意聽我講的話。

62. attend to 專心;注意;照料

I have some urgent business to attend to. 我有一些急事要處理。

A nurse attended to his needs constantly. 有一位護士經常照料他的需要。

63. see to 辦理;照管;料理

Will you see to the arrangements for the next meeting? 你來負責安排下次會議,好嗎?

Don’t worry — I』ll see to it. 別擔心,這事兒我來處理。

64. get down to sth 開始做某事,開始認真注意(或對待)某事

Let’s get down to business. 咱們開始做正事吧。

It’s time I got down to thinking about that essay. 我該認真考慮一下那篇論文了。

65. access to 進入······的通道;(使用或見到的)機會,權利

The only access to the farmhouse is across the fields. 去那農舍的唯一通路是穿過田野。

Students must have access to good resources. 學生必須有機會試用好的資源。

66. approach to 通路;方式

All the approaches to the palace were guarded by troops. 通往宮殿的所有道路都有軍隊守衛。

The school has decided to adopt a different approach to discipline. 學校決定採取另一種方式解決紀律問題。

67. solution / answer to ······的解決辦法

There is no simple solution to this problem. 這個問題沒有簡單的解決辦法。

This could be the answer to all your problems. 這可能是我們全部問題的解決辦法。

68. key to ······的關鍵

The key to success is preparation. 成功的關鍵是準備。


69. next to 幾乎;僅次於;與······相比

next to impossible / useless 幾乎不可能 / 幾乎沒有用

He knows next to nothing about antiques. 他對古董幾乎一竅不通。

Next to soccer, I like playing tennis best. 我最喜歡踢足球,其次是打網球。

Next to her, I’m a very poor cook. 和她比起來,我的廚藝太差了。

70. second only to 僅次於;second to none 不亞於

The euro will have a circulation second only to that of the dollar. 歐元的流通量將僅次於美元。

As a dancer, he is second to none. 他的舞技不亞於任何人。

71. compare ... to ... 把······比作······

A teacher is often compared to a gardener. 教師常常被比作園丁。

72. be similar to 和······相似

Her ideas are quite similar to mine. 她的觀點和我的很相似。

73. be equal to sth 和······相等;能勝任;比得上某物

The rent was equal to half his monthly income. 這租金相當於他半個月的收入。

Are you equal to this challenge? 你能應付這一挑戰嗎?

The architecture here is equal to any in the world. 這裡的建築與世界上任何同類建築相媲美。

74. be close to 幾乎要;可能要

He was close to tears. 他幾乎掉眼淚了。

The new library is close to completion. 新圖書館快要竣工了。

We are close to signing the agreement. 我們可能很快要籤訂協議。


75. be helpful / useful / beneficial to 對······有幫助 / 對······用 / 對······有益處

Cycling is highly beneficial to health and the environment. 騎自行車對身體和環境大有裨益。

76. be important to 對······重要

It’s very important to me that you should be there. 你應該到場,這對我很重要。


77. be admitted to / into 允許進入;被······錄取

You will not be admitted to the theater after the performance has started. 演出開始後不許進入劇場。

Women were only admitted into the club last year. 這家俱樂部去年才接納女會員。

78. belong to 屬於;是······的成員

Who does this watch belong to? 這塊表是誰的?

Have you ever belonged to a political party? 你加入過什麼政黨嗎?


79. expose ... to ... 使面臨,使遭受;使接觸

Don’t expose babies to strong sunlight. 不要讓嬰兒受到強烈的陽光照射。

We want to expose the kids to as much art and cultures as possible. 我們想讓孩子們儘量受到藝術和文化薰陶。


80. due to 由於

She has been absent from work due to illness. 她因病沒有上班。

The restaurant’s success was due largely to its new manager. 這家飯店的成功很大程度上是因為新經理的原因。

81. thanks to 多虧了

It was all a great success — thanks to a lot of hard work. 由於盡心竭力,這才大獲成功。

82. owing to 由於

Flight BA213 has been delayed owing to fog. BA213航班因有霧而延誤了。

83. as to 關於;至於

Frank was very uncertain as to whether it was the right job for him. 弗蘭克實在拿不準這工作是不是適合他。

84. in / with regard to 關於

a country’s laws in regard to human rights 一個國建關於人權的法律

85. in relation to 關於;就······而論

I have some comments to make in relation to this matter. 關於這件事我有幾點看法。

86. according to 據(······所說 / 報導);依照,按照

According to Mick, it’s a great movie. 據米克說,這是一部了不起的電影。

The work was done according to her instructions. 這項工作是依照她的指示辦的。

87. in addition to 除······之外

In addition to my weekly wage, I got a lot of tips. 除了每周的薪水外,我還能得到不少消費。







我做了什麼意味著看到米飯烹飪?我得到了這個夢想,五線的主要土壤,但是Tu Ke水是錢的跡象,職業生涯更加真誠。他真誠地誠實。這是豐富的,這是夏瑞的巨星













