
Bar name is atmospheric, foreign and domineering can be used to welcome legal

2022-05-15 11:10:25

Bar is an entertainment place where young people often go in and out. Here, people can recognize many new friends and expand their social circle. If you want your bar to stand out among many competitors, then you cannot ignore the importance of the store name. A domineering bar name can help your shop get more passenger flow.

Western and domineering bar naming skills

1. Bar names can be used to welcome legal

The name of the bar shop can be added to the auspicious term to cater to the customer's blessing psychology to solicit business. The Chinese pay attention to a colorful, some auspicious, praise customers, praise bars, and good luck to customers, etc., can be used to name the bar.

2. The bar named with Yayu

This method of naming is a specific commercial naming in my country.因為中國受儒家思想的影響,傳統上有一種重文抑商的觀念,於是一些商人把商業性場所也命名為像文人的書齋一樣,如“齋”、“閣"“軒”、“居"、 "Garden" and so on. Of course, this also depends on the positioning and target crowd of the bar. If you want to open a warm and elegant bar, it is suitable for named elegance.

Foreign and domineering bar naming case


The source of this name is the song "Aurora". Using its homophonic "Orora" as the name of the bar is very suitable for the bars with music themes, the image and meaning are very beautiful. And the pinyin of the bar name of "Eurolla" is ōu luó lā, all of which are flattera. It is gentle and nice to read, as if it is the feeling that the music bar brings to people. 【Lan Ye】

The pronunciation of "Lan Ye" is Lán Yè. It belongs to Yang Ping Yin and Yin. It is very nice to read, and it feels very mysterious. It is a name that is very suitable for bar shop names. "Blue" means that this bar is mysterious, elegant, which makes people think of the blue sky and is very happy. "Night" is in line with the bar at night.

Western and domineering bar naming Daquan

Liberty Aegean Sea

There is Orola

West Street Week 8

Wenhua Marthali

Doll Lan Kwai Fong

Nansye Flower

Louis wine and half

Lan Ye Helena

Old -fashioned place

Vitality Blues Paris

Night Cat Time Corridor

Le Mo in the water side

Bridge West Butterfly

Different Eighteen Palace

True love is not the past

Lost Red Age

Canaan Golden Time

Haili black winger



精選溫柔文靜有帶有詩意的女孩名字一、  彩靜 (cǎi jìng)字義內涵:彩:各種顏色交織;稱贊、誇獎的歡呼聲;花樣,完美的成分;光彩,光澤。


從陽光年齡的密封來看,它屬於這個國家。 Bo yi xiazi宣中在業務結束時成立。由於宋和齊三義之間存在洪水,淮水正在洪水,所以它無法得到強勢,最後由楚國


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