
Roberts 12 constellations generally guide (1.26-2.1)

2022-03-06 16:18:13 2

Foreword - Translator: Illusion

Finally, we will all become a story, so write your story!

There is a non-crushing method, you can find it after you need to break. --Naomi shihab nye

We are all family members

We are all family, at least one million people in the world are your ten generations of internal expressions, there is no one in the world is not your fifty-generation.

Every time you breathe, you will inhale 10x102 ¹ 一 一 進 進 身 身, 又 因為 親 親 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 人 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親 親(Resources: Guy Murchie "Life Seven Mystery")

Your body contains 4x102 ⁷ an atom, followed by 27 0 so many, no matter what you believe, 200 billion in the body of Martin Ludder.

If you say this, you have an average of 200 billion atoms who have lived and dead, including Shakespeare, San Daughter and Egyptian. This is not what I have elected.

The celestial physicist Nair De Drash Tyson said: a glass of water in a glass of water is more than the number of cups that are loaded into the ocean in the world.

This means that you have some molecules in every glass of water that you drink.

Aries - Translator: Liu Xiaogang

Writers Helen Hunt Jackson said that a part of happiness is "less than you want." why? Because you always "there are so many things you want to see, want to have," I want to do things ", and" no day is enough, you want to do everything before going to bed. " I suggest you try to define this in the next few weeks. According to my star elephant analysis, you will have more interesting tasks and challenges than usual - and energetic vitality, which will enable you to complete many tasks, but not all. Your happiness should be rich!

Taurus - Translator: Andre

ETHEL SMYTH is a Taurus, she is a good composer, athlete, writer, feminist home, is also a warm lover. She is successful in these aspects. I suggest that in the next few months, she as a role model. why? First of all, she is not only doing very well in one thing, and now, you have also prepared to develop a number of talents, let yourself be more flexible and more adaptable. Second, she interprets a mode of achieving high achievement, this model is very suitable for you. She said: "I will tell yourself before going to bed before going to bed: I will become easier tomorrow, more strong, more agile, more tough, more accurate, more powerful, more self-discipline! (Note: I suggest you put the 'Sensitive' As a 2022 year keyword)

Double Subtache - Translator: Liu Xiaogang

According to the writer Olivia Dresher, "I feel free. The mind wants to be correct." Ok, then, intuitive? In a sense, it is a mixture of feelings and ideas. They are a way of understanding feelings and ideas. When intuition comes from a clear part of your heart, instead of the fear of your condition reflex, they are sweet, interesting, accurate, humble, light and pure. They don't "think" be anything. I am very happy to inform you, the sonot, in the next few weeks, your intuition will work with the highest efficiency. You should easily distinguish between intuitive clarity patterns and fear patterns.

Cancer - Translator: Illusion

Humorous writer Leo Rosten wrote: "If you are doing something wrong, enjoy it," giving you this advice because you deviate from the consistent "normal" behavior, I hope you will have fun. But can I add a suggestion? When you deviate from normal, if you are bored, please keep your normal and decent. The experiment I imagined for you is: the method of health is destroyed, dare to make interesting problems, stimulating a beautiful and truth. Their "wrong" is a rebellious sense, rebellion, the situation of static or even a pool of dead water, such a situation requires stinging and stimulation. Remember Bob Dylan:“如果你想生活在規則中,你必須誠實。”

萊奧 - 翻譯:劉曉剛

獅子座演員安娜肯德里克吹噓:“我太謙虛,太瘋狂了。我就像是一個卑微的耶。”我希望看到你在接下來的幾週內使用這種奢侈的方式來表達你的偉大。我希望您還可以代表您加入另一個點 - 這一觀點來自Leo演員Mae West。她羨慕:“太多好事會變得非常好!”以下是我鼓勵您加入的另一種態度,由Leo作家Rachel Pollaack提供。 “學會認真發揮是精神勘探的偉大秘密之一。”

處女座 - 翻譯:幻覺

Sammy Davis Jr.(1925-1990)是一位多功能藝術家:演員,歌手,梳子,舞者。一位批評者描述了他:“舞台上最偉大的表演者。”但他沒有那麼高,他說:“我知道我可以醜陋,這是你可能已經看到的醜陋的人,但醜陋和美麗,你必須學會如何使用東西”。這是一個有趣的家庭作業,事實上,事實上,每個人都有粗糙,令人尷尬,而不是美麗 - 不是在外觀上,但像戴維斯的建議一樣,我們可以學到不僅要忍受這些品質,它也可以使用它們成為我們的優勢。這是一個有利的時間。

天秤座 - 翻譯:衝浪泡泡

神秘主義者聖·奧阿維拉曾寫過:“戀愛中有成千上萬的不同形式。”根據我對星座的分析,您應該找到使用您的愛魔法的新方法。 - 除了很多已經知道並已被使用過。為了獲得最佳結果,您必須願意放棄可靠的方式來表達您的疑慮,溫柔和教育。你必須嘗試嘗試擺脫舒適區。我似乎有這個非常有趣!

天蠍座 - 翻譯:幻覺

作家和宗教學者霍斯頓史密斯的建議是:“如果你想鑽水,60英尺井是10件井。”當然,鑽井是他的隱喻 - 例如像徵問題,或者開發靈魂的做法,或者設定精神治療方法。這個隱喻對每個人都不完美,但我相信它生動地應用於你和你目前的情況。

射手座 - 翻譯:幻覺


摩羯座 - 翻譯:腳

作家Harili Shi Suto寫道:“這是一件小事。它反映了日常骨骼中真正的貴族和英雄。這是一個值得獲的美德。”我同意,這就是我允許給你名字的名字未來幾週的“聖徒”。你很有可能遵守爐子的描述。你將在你的力量中,將你的日常節奏增加到一個微妙的奇蹟中。你將成為一個沉默的英雄。如果你不喜歡使用“聖徒”,你也可以使用伊斯蘭教“瓦利”,猶太“tzadik”,佛教徒“arhat”或印度教“斯瓦米”的相同含義。

水瓶座 - 翻譯:劉曉剛

自從破壞Oldxi的行星天甘星恆星是水瓶座集團的主要像徵,您更有可能比所有其他星座都比所有其他星座變得異議。這並不意味著您從正統概念的出發總是糾正或流行。有時你會從現實主義遇到阻力。在此警告之後,我很高興地宣布,在接下來的幾週內,您的獨特提案比平常更有效。為了獲得靈感,請閱讀這些作家Kristine Kathryn Rusch的觀點:“Restler比裁決制定者更了解規則。反叛者是理解有眾多可行性,可以最好地打破規則。成為規則專家。然後使用創意和風格來打破它們。“

雙魚座 - 翻譯:Impromptive Fantasy

Pisces作家Juansen Dizon告訴我們:“不要與一群思考一切的人混合。”這一直是一個非常好的建議,但它特別適合未來幾周和幾個月。你需要從保持好奇心和開放的人的人獲得刺激,這些人有一個深刻的藝術,即不要讓自己變得“大明白”。什麼樣的人是,您可以學習新的知識並掌握新技能的關鍵。掌握新的知識和技能是2022年的關鍵任務。





所有最關心的自然都是最有關的財富。畢竟,這項財富密切相關。畢竟,誰不想賺很多錢,但是每年的星座的星座正在發生變化。 2022即將到來,哪些星座可以更加幸運














第一個月袁曉樂燈籠節戰士· 團圓宋代新鑫的話是在燈籠節中創造的。 “看著他數千次百度”這個詞。他回頭看了,那個男人,燈光暗淡,“我心中的許多人都在
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